新关注 > 信息聚合 > 医疗数字化的数据灾难:医院像渔网一样洒落着患者隐私


Medical digital data disaster: hospital like nets on the patients' privacy

2018-07-07 18:16:00来源: 品途网

医疗的数字化在近些年来已经成为了大趋势,一方面是移动医疗日益发展,以已经IPO的平安好医生为例,光这一款App就拥有1.9亿用户;另一方面是传统医疗整个工作流程正在加强信息化程度,尤其是引入AI技术之后,利用医疗大数据辅助诊断和利用计算机视觉分析医疗影像图片也被证实了可以提升诊疗效率。 在理想状态下,目前医疗数字化是解决世界范围内医疗资源分配效率低下的最好方法。通过医患之间的远程沟通,节省就医时长途迁徙的成本。这样即使医疗资源过于集中在一线城市,那些生活在三四线和乡镇的人们也能通过这种方式获得更好的医疗服务。 但医疗数字化带来的绝不仅仅只有益处,它的阴暗面——数据泄露,正在带给这个世界意想...

The digital medical treatment in recent years has become a big trend, the development on the one hand, mobile medical, in order to have the peace of the IPO good doctors, for example, the App alone had 190 million users; On the other hand is a traditional medical the whole working process is strengthening the informationization degree, especially the introduction of AI technology, using medical auxiliary diagnosis and big data using computer vision analysis of medical imaging image has also been confirmed can improve diagnosis and treatment efficiency. Ideally, the current medical digitization is to solve the worldwide medical resource allocation efficiency is low. The best way to Through the remote communication between doctor and patient, save the cost of long distance migration when go to a doctor. So even if the medical resources is too concentrated in the first-tier cities, towns and those living in three or four line of people can get better medical service by this way. But not only of digital medical benefits, its dark side, data leakage, is to bring the world expect...