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杨金赐助力公益 创意秀传递爱心

Yang Jinci assisted public show creative passing love

2014-12-08 17:17:25来源: 中国青年网

李冰冰担当公益大使出席活动 近日,国际野生救援组织首次在中国举办“象”往未来——野生救援中国慈善活动。活动当晚,野生救援明星公益大使——姚明、李冰冰、吴秀波、海清等体坛、影视界明星和近200位嘉...

Li Bingbing as charity ambassador to attend the activities recently, the wildlife rescue organization for the first time in Chinese held "like" into the future -- wild rescue China charity activities. At that night, the wild rescue Star Charity Ambassador -- Yao Ming, Li Bingbing, Wu Xiubo, Hai Qing and other sports, star of the film and television industry and nearly 200 ka...