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全球首富贝索斯新豪宅曝光 仅装修就耗费8300万元

The world's richest man, Mr Bezos new mansion exposure Decorate alone cost 83 million yuan

2018-11-18 17:02:29来源: DoNews

DoNews 11月18日消息(记者 赵晋杰)亚马逊本周宣布了第二总部的选址,确定在了纽约市和弗吉尼亚州的阿灵顿市。根据公告,在这两个新总部所在地,亚马逊将投资50亿美元,创建逾5万个新岗位,预计投入使用后纽约市和阿灵顿市新总部将分别拥有逾2.5万名员工。外媒报道称,早在2016年,作为当前的全球首富和亚马逊创始人,贝索斯就斥资2300万美元现金在华盛顿特区的卡洛拉马小区购买了一栋豪宅,距离新总部不到10公里。目前,贝索斯正耗资1200万美元(约合8300万元人民币)重新装修这栋豪宅。除了贝索斯,卡洛拉马小区还住着前总统奥巴马以及现任总统特朗普的女儿伊万卡-特朗普和女婿。根据曝光的资料,贝索斯...

On November 18, DoNews news (reporter Zhao Jinjie) amazon announced this week that the second headquarters location, in the New York City and the Arlington, Virginia. , according to the announcement on the two new headquarters, amazon will invest $5 billion to create more than 50000 new jobs, is expected to be put into use after New York City and new headquarters in Arlington, respectively, with more than 25000 employees. Foreign media reported that as early as in 2016, as the world's richest man and the founder of amazon, bezos it spent $23 million in cash in Washington, d.c., carlo Lamar plot bought a beautiful mansion, the new headquarters for less than 10 kilometers. At present, bezos was $12 million (83 million yuan) to decorate the property. In addition to bezos, carlo Lamar village lived before President Obama and President's daughter ivanka trump - trump and son-in-law. Based on the information exposure, bezos...