新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人类找不到外星人的十大原因:根本不存在?


Human beings can not find ten reasons: Aliens don't exist?

2015-04-11 01:39:36来源: 科技讯

地球在太阳系甚至银河系中,绝对算得上是一颗最特殊的星球,在地球上,拥有独一无二的生命体,以及强大的人类文明。不过放眼浩瀚的宇宙,人类真的是独一无二的存在吗?在遥远的外太空中,真的没有更高级的生命体了吗? 【科技讯】4月10日消息,地球在太阳系甚至银河系中,绝对算得上是一颗最特殊的星球...

planet in the solar system and even the Milky Way system, is regarded as one of the most special planet, on earth, with the one and only life, and strong human civilization. But look at the vastness of the universe, human is the one and only really exist? In the distant outer space, really have no life more advanced the technology news? [] on April 10th, planet in the solar system and even the Milky Way system, is regarded as one of the most special planet...