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轰,轰,轰 179《刀剑物语》烈焰巨人进击开战

Boom, boom, boom 179 "sword" giant rashly flame war

2016-03-01 14:04:06来源: 一游网

一队冲击,二队跟上,三队掩护! 轰,轰,轰,弥漫飘散的灰幕之中,超大型的烈焰巨人慢慢显现…… 危机一触即发,二次元梦幻网游179《刀剑物语》,最新打造“进击的巨人”特供剧场玩法,全城招募浮游勇士兵团,深入险地抵抗巨人入侵,打响新年保卫第一枪! 【融特色打造巨人入侵】 “巨...

A team of shock, two team, keep up with the three teams cover! Boom, boom, boom, diffuse away gray curtain, ultra large fire giant appeared slowly... Firing line, two yuan fantasy games 179 "sword", the latest build for a theater play "once more giant", the whole city to recruit floating warrior regiment, in-depth the leaker giant invasion, fired the first gun to defend New Year! "Giant melting characteristics to build a giant invasion 】 【...