新关注 > 信息聚合 > 区块链真的会使游戏更好玩吗?


Block chain will really make the game more fun?

2018-04-19 13:53:00来源: 品途网


Block chain is very popular over the past two years, anything as long as with block chain, worth jumped immediately. With the popularity of encryption (CryptoKitties) cat, block chain game greeted everyone's view, the game itself has its own economic system, the game props will also have their own tokens, settlement, seems to be "natural" and chain block has a good potential. But if the calm analysis, chain blocks, with the game and don't have much point. Many value chain block game, the Internet is just expressed the author's vision, and did not give support the idea of logic basis. Anything with the game, have to make the game more fun, is necessary. Combined with game, such as Internet has made the game into online games, many people interaction, more fun. VR with games, became immersive gaming experience, more fun. This block chain...

标签: 游戏 区块链