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Do you have OUT Hao! "Gen Gi Khan 2" Caomin one day if you're

2015-05-10 11:49:04来源: 17173

你是否还在卑躬屈膝,满世界找土豪做朋友?起来,不愿做奴隶的人们!土豪做友已过时,来《成吉思汗2》享受纯净绿色的游戏生态,勇敢走自己的路,缔造草民的理想乡! 《成吉思汗2》精美海报 现今网游普遍存在土豪只手遮天,草民苟且偷生的情况。但到了《成吉思汗2》这里,你却会看到另外一番景象。这...

all over the world to find bow and scrape, tyrant friends? Get up, do not want to be slaves! Tyrant friends has become obsolete, "Gen Gi Khan 2" to enjoy the pure green ecological game, brave to go its own way, to create the ideal Township caomin! "Gen Gi Khan 2" posters today online games ubiquitous tyrant shrouded Caomin, drag out an ignoble existence situation. But in the "Gen Gi Khan 2" here, but you will see another view. This...