新关注 > 信息聚合 > 闹翻丰都《悟空传》醉游十方阎罗殿


Falling out of Fengdu "Wu kongzhuan" drunken swim ten party Yama temple

2014-11-06 11:21:47来源: 17173

在西游记中有一段剧情,说的是悟空因阳寿已尽被阴曹地府小鬼勾魂,从而大闹丰都改写生死簿的故事。在《悟空传》内,同样也有这段隐藏剧情的存在,这一次把悟空大闹地府的决定权交到了你的手中。在长安酒馆内,先领取几罐上好的女儿红,喝个酩酊大醉,在子夜时分就会有鬼差来找哦~ 不要被吓尿,选择前往地...

in journey to the West in a plot, say is Goku for dying is Hades imp erotic, thus make Fengdu rewrite the life book story. In the "Wu kongzhuan", also have this hidden plot exists, this time leave the decision Goku make hell delivered to your hands. In a Changan pub, the first to receive a few pot of good Nu'er Hong, drink be completely drunken, in the middle of the night will be ghosts difference to find Oh ~ don't be scared, to choose to...