新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《奇迹MU》弓箭手脸滚键盘也能玩的风生水起


"Mu miracle" Archer face roll the keyboard can also play the fast

2015-10-10 14:21:22来源: 天极网

“看见了吧,这就是流传在上古世纪的战神手套,据说凡是带上它的人哪怕是不懂武术也一样会成为一个武术大师,就是这个手套的魅力。” 你要问《奇迹MU》里有没有同样的职业,不需要操作只需要了解就可以轻松上手的职业,我推荐弓箭手。弓箭手的优点就是零操作基础,适合男女老幼全年龄段玩家。 零操作基...

"see, this is a popular and gloves in ancient centuries of war. It is said that usually take it even if it is not understand Wushu will become a martial arts master is the glove charm." You have to ask the Mu miracle "have the same occupation, do not need to operate only need to understand that you can easily get started career, I recommend archers. The archer's advantage is zero based operation, suitable for all ages of men and women,old and young game player. Zero operation group...