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《项羽》那些热血澎湃的战场 战意满满

"Xiang Yu" the blood surging battlefield full of war

2016-03-30 10:51:14来源: 17173

《项羽Online》公测已经快一个月了,无数的玩家已经在其中酣战了近一个月的时间。爽快华丽的PK模式,扣人心弦的故事剧情和慷慨激昂的万人国战场面无不牵动着每一个参与其中的玩家的心。今天,就让我们来一起说说《项羽Online》中哪些让人热血沸腾,战意满点的场景吧。 火光冲天,残阳如血 ...

"Xiang Yu Online" beta has been almost a month, in which numerous game player has pitched the nearly a month's time. Readily gorgeous PK mode, the story and impassioned million people in the face of all P battlefield affects every game player involved in the heart. Today, let's talk about "Xiang Yu Online" which make people excited, full scene of war. Flames and blood...