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高颜值冷面杀手 突击英雄新英雄解析

High color value killer assault Heroes Heroes of

2015-04-07 14:29:06来源: 新浪

导语:网易革新射击网游《突击英雄》将MOBA 英雄对战引入快节奏的FPS游戏中,每位英雄都装载有不同战术功能的超限武器,还有翻滚、滑铲等战术动作。4月9日的新版本“杀手-代号AK47”中新英雄暗影杀手即将降临,这是一位暗杀型英雄,擅长隐蔽射击,拥有一把可远程控制的遥控狙击抢“杀戮命令RS...

lead: NetEase innovation shooting games "assault heroes" MOBA hero of war into the fast pace of the FPS game, each hero has different tactical function loading gauge rolling, sliding tackles and weapons, tactical action. The new version of the April 9th "killer - Code AK47" new hero shadow killer is coming, this is a hero at the assassination, covert shooting, with a remote control remote control grab "sniper Kill Command RS...