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Super time yuanta naval warfare "new test version will be online

2018-09-06 00:00:00来源: 人民网

RTS海战手游《超次元大海战》以具有丰富人物立绘形象、成熟灵活的操作手法吸引了大批指挥官的目光,从细微的惯性系统到猛烈的炮火轰击,舰队队列作战到单兵作战也是《超次元大海战》中的特定亮点,在二次元游戏层出不穷的情况之下,《超次元大海战》究竟如何脱颖而出的呢?就让我们一起来看下! 《超次元大海战》中的每艘舰船均拥有独立的人形化立绘,战斗时会转化为独一无二的3D船体模型,通过RTS战斗操作模式,为指挥官们还原最真实的海上战争!还未上线的全新版本中,指挥官们可以通过主视角切换模式,近距离地看到绚烂真实的炮火、伺机而动的飞机和海中致命的鱼雷。 《超次元大海战》首测结束后,官方认真听取了指挥...

RTS naval mobile game "super time yuanta naval warfare with rich mature character set painting image, flexible operating practices attracted the attention of large number of commanders, from small inertial system to fierce artillery bombardment, fleet queue operations to the individual operations and a highlight the super time yuanta naval warfare in specific, in the second yuan games emerge in endlessly, yuanta naval warfare" super time how to stand out? Let's see! Yuanta naval warfare "super times are independent of each of the ships anthropomorphosis painted, when they fight into a unique 3 d hull model, through the RTS combat operation mode, for commanders to restore the true war at sea! Has not yet launched a new version, the commanders can switch mode through main view, close and real fire, the waiting game aircraft and deadly torpedo in the sea. Super time yuanta naval warfare "after the first test, the official listen to command...