新关注 > 信息聚合 > 炉石传说机器人乱斗-吵吵机器人稳定性略胜


Hearthstone robot melee - remained the robot stability wins

2015-10-02 21:10:49来源: 4399

炉石传说本周冒险模式机器人大战已经正式开放!吵吵机器人大战砰砰炸弹!乱斗一出,大量水友声讨暴雪,为什么我的炸弹只是猎人新皮肤,稳定的稳固射击;也有吵吵玩家,为毛我的机器人前3费总是挂机!稳定被射脸!究竟谁强谁弱,让我们一探究竟! 双方卡组: 1、吵吵机器人卡组 2、炸弹人卡组 从...

hearthstone legend this week adventure mode Robot Wars has been officially opened! A robot wars with bombs! Scuffle a, a lot of water friends to denounce the blizzard, why my bomb just new skin for the hunter, stable steady shot; also remained player, hair my robot before 3 cost would hang up! Stability was shot in the face! Who is strong and who is weak, let us explore what! The card group: 1, a group of 2 people, a bomb robot card from the card group...

标签: 炉石传说