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南昌巡回赛胜吴镇宇问鼎 李博:其实我也很紧张

Nanchang tour win the Wu Zhenyu won the Li Bo: actually, I was also very nervous

2014-12-02 21:35:30来源: 华体网

TOP147.com讯,北京时间12月2日,2014LCBA(CBSA)红牛·皮尔力·来力全国中式台球巡回赛江西南昌站的比赛落下帷幕。在最终的决赛中,辽宁选手李博以11比7击败黑龙江选手吴镇宇获得冠军。 在今天率先进行的半决赛中,李博与代勇联手奉献了一场精彩的对决。代勇在比赛开始阶段...

TOP147.com, 2014LCBA (CBSA) Red Bull's force, to the national Billiard Tour Jiangxi NanChang Railway Station game ended. In the final, Liaoning's Li Bo to 11 than 7 beat Heilongjiang's Wu Zhenyu won the championship. Semi final first on today, Li Bo and Dai Yong joined hands and dedicated to a wonderful. Dai Yong at the beginning of the game...