新关注 > 信息聚合 > 让游戏更精彩 惠普15-K028TX春季热卖中

让游戏更精彩 惠普15-K028TX春季热卖中

To make the game more exciting HP 15-K028TX spring sale

2015-03-18 20:24:06来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线安徽行情)惠普ENVY 15-K028TX(J6M28PA)是一款15.6英寸的游戏影音本,该款笔记本搭载了Intel酷睿i5双核处理器另外还采用了GT 840M显卡,为用户带来更为出色...

(Zhongguancun online Anhui market HP) ENVY 15-K028TX (J6M28PA) is a 15.6 inch TV game, the notebook with Intel core i5 dual core processor and GT 840M graphics card, in order to bring more outstanding...

标签: 游戏