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"Final Fantasy type-0 HD" the new trailer released

2015-02-06 13:08:50来源: 中关村在线

尽管距离游戏发售还有一段时间,但 Square Enix 仍旧宣传片频发,保持大家的关注热度。就在刚刚,全新的《最终幻想》宣传片公布 —— 想玩,那是肯定的。 作为手游大厂登陆次世代平台的两部大作,《最终幻想:零式 HD》和《最终幻想 15》当然是重中之重,而这一次的视频同时包括了两款游...

despite the distance and time, but Square Enix still Promo frequently, maintain the attention heat. Just now, the new "Final Fantasy" trailer released -- want to play, that's for sure. As Mobile Games Dachang landing next generation platform two masterpiece, "Final Fantasy: the zero HD" and "Final Fantasy 15" of course is the priority among priorities, and this time the video also includes two game...

标签: 最终幻想