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Many Webpage Game war strategy Webpage Game "World War II". 1944 first exposure

2015-04-30 10:06:28来源: 太平洋游戏网

在今天开测的众多页游中,有一款以二战为主题的战策页游《二战1944》,因为涉及二战元素,这款游戏也是非常低调,据官方称,这款页游是专门为军迷精心准备的,期待获得军迷们的认可。 据小编了解到,这款游戏的玩法非常复杂,为了确保真实,也采取了许多传统战争页游中不曾出现的特色。例如,游戏中所...

in the open test today, there is a second World War theme strategy Webpage Game "World War II" in 1944, due to World War II elements, the game is also very low-key, according to official said, this Webpage Game is dedicated to in many elaborate, expect in the fans recognized. According to the story, the game play is very complicated, in order to ensure the authenticity, also take has many traditional characteristics in the war Webpage Game. For example, in the game...