新关注 > 信息聚合 > 立体战斗《赤壁之战》战爽公测新资料片首曝


Stereo combat "battle of Red Cliff" cool war beta new piece of information first exposure

2016-03-31 10:45:28来源: 17173

由欢聚游戏独家代理运营的首款国战爽游《赤壁之战》,即将于4月14日震撼开启战爽公测。游戏全新资料片现已火爆来袭,高清激燃视频全面解析立体战斗玩法,空战、海战、陆战新模式同步打响。战火将燃烧到海空之上,带来前所未有的万人同屏爽快战斗。 测试时间:4月14日 测试名称:战爽公测 【...

The game gathered exclusive agents operating in the first national war cool Tour "battle of Red Cliff", the upcoming April 14th war shocked to open beta. The game is now a new piece of information has been hit by the hot, high definition of a comprehensive analysis of the three dimensional combat video combat gameplay, air combat, naval battle, the new model of the land sync started. Fire will burn the air on the same screen million people brought hitherto unknown straightforward battle. Test time: April 14th Test Name: cool war [beta...