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花千骨手游清扬道长获取途径 如何搜集碎片

Spend thousands of bone hand travel Chhnang long access how to collect debris

2015-08-26 12:05:18来源: 4399

花千骨手游新版本后像精英版本中根本不会显示可以得到哪些灵魂,在游戏中大家紫色宠物基本上是单春秋和尹上票。所以想找个清扬道长的获取方法比较难,本篇小编为大家介绍一下清扬道长的获取方法。 【获取途径】 1、历练副本:蜀山大殿(长留一图),郊外森林(长留五图) 2、精英副本:蜀山长老,太...

spend thousands of bone hand tour of new version afterimage elite version will not which soul can be obtained, in the game you purple pet basically is single in the spring and autumn and Yin on the ticket. I would like to find a clear long acquisition method is more difficult, this small series to introduce the method to obtain the Qingyang Road long. [access] 1, experience copy: Shushan Hall (long stay in Figure 1), on the outskirts of the forest (long stay in Figure 5) 2, a copy of the elite: the Shu mountain elder, too.

标签: 手游