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热血街霸3D黄大锤图鉴 黄大锤好不好

The blood of street fighter 3D yellow sledgehammer yellow sledgehammer good

2015-05-02 21:12:25来源: 4399

4399热血街霸3D英雄介绍:本期英雄【黄大锤】,这是位长相狰狞,但内心十分善良的英雄 英雄名:黄大锤初始星级:5星级 获得方法:需要凑齐250个黄大锤英雄碎片才能解锁该英雄 技能1:铁锤风暴——抡起铁锤旋转攻击大片对手 技能2:百万锤击——将铁锤猛烈地砸向地面并向前滚动 技能...

4399 blood Street Fighter 3D hero introduction: the hero [] this is a yellow sledgehammer, looks ferocious, but the heart is very kind-hearted Hero: Huang Dachui: 5 star star initial access methods: needs to collect 250 pieces of yellow sledgehammer hero can unlock the hero skills 1 the storm -- his hammer: Hammer skills: 2 large rotation attack opponents will hammer hammer million -- violently crashing to the ground and roll forward skills...