新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软称E3上Xbox将公布全新独占第一方游戏


Microsoft said E3 Xbox will be released a new exclusive first party games

2015-04-21 10:17:37来源: 17173

说道微软第一方游戏我们总是想起大名鼎鼎的“光晕”系列,系列中的人工智能电脑Cortana已经成为了语音助手的名字。最近,微软Xbox部门主管Phil Spencer发推文宣布大家还将在E3游戏展上看到一款全新的独占第一方游戏,他还暗示这系列游戏在E3中的隆重登场,将会比往届E3更有看头。...

said Microsoft first party games we always think of the famous "halo" series, Cortana series of computer artificial intelligence has become a voice assistant's name. Recently, the Department in charge of the Phil Spencer Xbox Microsoft tweet announced that we will be in the E3 game show to see a new exclusive first party games, he also suggested that this series of games in the E3 grand debut, will be more interesting than the previous E3. ...

标签: Xbox 微软 游戏