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《火线精英手机版》超神联赛32强名单出炉 强者对..

"The wire" Super League Elite mobile phone version 32 released a list of..

2015-11-11 19:14:59来源: 4399

最燃FPS手游竞技联赛——火线精英手机版FW超神联赛早在10月末拉开序幕,经过近半个月预选赛的激烈厮杀,32强战队名单终于尘埃落定,最强对决即将再次打响! 这是一个手竞达人的秀场,这是一次强者对决的擂台,这是一段王者角逐荣誉的征途。FW超神联赛作为《火线精英手机版》首届官方联赛,自开启...

's strong burning FPS Mobile Games Sports League - Super League Elite version of the FW mobile phone line in early 10 at the end of the prelude, after fierce fighting in nearly half a month of qualifying, the top 32 teams list was finally settled, the strongest battle is about to begin again! This is a hand Master competition show, this is a strong battle arena, this is a journey of honor for the king. FW Super League as "the wire" of the first official mobile phone version of the elite League, since the opening...