新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英国最大的游戏零售商收费体验PlayStation VR

英国最大的游戏零售商收费体验PlayStation VR

The UK's largest retailers charge experience PlayStation VR

2016-10-24 06:12:05来源: 17173

索尼本月正在英国进行PlayStation VR头显免费体验的巡展活动。与此同时,该国家最大的视频游戏零售商GAME也开始提供PSVR的体验,但要收取体验费用。 VR游戏下载、新游推荐、福利,尽在17173VR! 几个区域的GAME零售店Twitter帐户今天发布了推文,上周末推出...

SONY PlayStation VR is the UK this month head show the tour activity of free experience. At the same time, the country's largest retailers GAME video games also started offering PSVR experience, but to experience the charge. VR game downloads, XinYou recommended, welfare, in 17173 VR! Several regional GAME retail Twitter account today released a tweet, this weekend...

标签: 游戏 VR