新关注 > 信息聚合 > 欢乐狼人杀,就是一场笑点与槽点齐飞的吐槽大会


Joy is a werewolf, bursting point and slots flying Tucao Conference

2017-04-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

一个吐槽大会,火了一个敢想敢说的95后小伙儿池子,作为脱口秀新锐,池子在节目中火力全开十分出彩,天天怼明星,不怕被打死,而池子的“高智商”也是大家对他调侃的一大主要槽点,比如经过多年“努力”,最终没考上大学等。那么,池子究竟是通过什么把小日子过得滋润到飞起的呢? 不得不说,池子的外形确实不是一众粉丝的菜,瘦瘦的个头,带着一副老边框眼镜,俨然一种宅男的既视感,不过好在池子的脱口秀功力并不差,在《今晚80后脱口秀》中崭露头角,带着“95后脱口秀天才”的名头开始混迹江湖,凭借一张嘴成功逆袭。 池子经典段子合集: 考试考砸了怎么和老爸老妈交代?池子:就在我小时候,对,我也是失忆,间接性的,...

A Tucao conference, fire a dare say the 95 guy pool, as a talk show in the pool of cutting-edge, firepower is the color of your star, every day, not afraid of being killed, and the pool of "high IQ" is everyone of his ridicule a major groove, such as after years of effort, finally did not go to college. So, what is the small pool through what day was moist to fly it? Have to say, the shape is not really a pool of all the fans of the dish, thin head, wearing a pair of old glasses frame, like a Indoorsman both visual sense, but the pool of talk show is not work force poor in "talk tonight after 80" in the emerging, with the "95 talk show genius" of the head start removed from the lakes, with a mouth successful counter attack. Pool Classics Collection: examination failed, how to explain to my mom and dad? Pool: just when I was a child, yes, I also amnesia, indirect,...