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The 1st national ink comic grand prix awards

2018-04-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

4月22日,百名画家画关公“老关家肘子杯”首届全国水墨漫画大奖赛奖项评选揭晓。本报漫画家姜末创作的《忠孝两全图》获唯一的一等奖。 关羽是中国历史上三国时期蜀国名将,其忠义仁勇的高贵品格被历代后人所敬仰,形成独有的关公文化。这次比赛,以关公忠义仁勇精神为主题,突出思想性、艺术性、时效性、幽默感,弘扬正能量、针砭假丑恶。面向全国征稿。共有249名作者的500多幅作品参赛。 本次大赛评委、中国新闻漫画研究会会长张耀宁对姜末的一等奖作品《忠孝两全图》给予好评。认为此画“笔墨很老到,构思很奇妙”。他说,关公是忠义的代表,关公给母亲洗脚,不管是《三国志》还是《三国演义》都没有这样的记载,生活中没...

On April 22, the painter painted the duke guan "old customs house elbow cup" national ink comic grand prix awards. This newspaper cartoonist ginger created two full "filial piety" won first prize only. Guan yu is three kingdoms of shu in the history of Chinese science, the noble character of its loyalty RenYong admired by all previous dynasties later generations, form unique to the duke guan culture. The race to the duke guan spirit of loyalty and RenYong as the theme, highlight the ideological content and artistic quality, timely and a sense of humor and carry forward the positive energy, analyze their enemies we make. Facing the whole country to neutralise them. A total of 249 the author of more than 500 submissions. This second contest judges, Chinese news cartoon research association Zhang Yaoning in ginger first prize "two full filial piety" to give high praise. Argued that "ink painting is very sophisticated, conception is very wonderful. Guan gong is a faithful representative, he says, the duke guan to mother wash feet, whether it's "center" or "three kingdoms" have no such records, life didn't...