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为微软效力18年后,Xbox市场主管Albert Penello离职了

18 years later, for Microsoft Xbox marketing director Albert Penello left

2018-04-25 11:35:08来源: 游戏时光

微软Xbox市场营销主管Albert Penello今日在Twitter上宣布自己将离开微软。他表示自己在微软的经历意义重大,感谢粉丝并祝福Xbox团队。同时他还透露Xbox未来会有更多好东西到来。 Albert Penello于1994年涉足游戏行业,在EA担任市场经理。他于2000年跳槽微软,担任市场总监。这18年期间他主要负责Xbox平台营销,包括主机、配件等方面。从初代Xbox,到Xbox 360、Kinect以及现在的Xbox One,市场营销计划里都有他的身影。2017年他成为Xbox主机市场副总经理...

& have spent & have spent & have spent Microsoft Xbox marketing director Albert Penello on Twitter today announced he will leave Microsoft. He says his experience at Microsoft is of great significance, thanks to the fans and bless the Xbox team. At the same time he also revealed the Xbox will have more good things coming in the future. & have spent & have spent & have spent Albert Penello into the game industry in 1994, a marketing manager in EA. He was from Microsoft in 2000, served as director of the market. During the 18 years he is mainly responsible for the Xbox platform marketing, including the host, accessories, etc. From the original Xbox, now to the Xbox 360, device and Xbox One, the marketing plan has his shadow. In 2017, he became the Xbox console market, deputy general manager...

标签: Xbox 微软