新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾讯区块链游戏《一起来捉妖》正式发布


Tencent block chain game "together to catch the demon" officially released

2018-04-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

4月24日消息,在刚刚过去的22、23日,以“向爱而生”为主题的腾讯UP2018新文创生态大会圆满落幕,在会上腾讯对旗下文娱业务做出了未来一年的规划。在今年的会上腾讯一口气发布了16款全新手游,而其中就包含了腾讯首款区块链游戏——《一起来捉妖》。 之前这款游戏就已经开放了在广州和深圳两地的测试,但当时并没有公布游戏的区块链玩法,而这次在发布会中正式对外宣布这款游戏中将会含有区块链专属猫玩法,虽然此前马化腾曾对外宣布腾讯暂时不会考虑推出区块链货币,但是这项技术还是被应用到了游戏当中。 游戏中有着大量国内经典的卡通Q版形象,让玩家们能够快速融入游戏,而且游戏除了能够支持AR捉妖外,还加入...

On April 24, in the past 22, 23, with love "to me," as the theme of tencent UP2018 xinwen and ecological conference ended, tencent in the meeting of its recreational business has made the plan for the coming year. Tencent relief in this year's meeting issued 16 new mobile game, and some of them contains the tencent game - the first block chain together to catch the demon. Before the game had opened in guangzhou and shenzhen cities of the test, but did not release the block chain play of the game, this time in the conference officially announce the game will contain block chain exclusive cat to play, although ma has announced tencent temporarily won't consider launching block chain currency, but the technology is applied to the game. The game has a large number of domestic cartoon Q version of the classic image, let the players can quickly into the game, and game in addition to being able to support AR to catch demon, also join...