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BFS legend wild brawl arena: 12 wins card group combination method

2018-03-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

炉石传说乱斗模式第142期--狂野乱斗竞技场,这个乱斗需要自组卡组,系统会送一张免费入场卷,之后需要花费150金进入,规则和竞技场差不多。 0胜保底也有一卡包奖励,胜场越多奖励越多,最高12胜。 不出意外本周乱斗就是狂野乱斗竞技场了,这个乱斗需要自己组卡,下面为大家推荐全职业狂野卡组。 卡组来源是前一阵的狂野公开赛,搬运全部卡组当然是不太现实的,搬运的原则就是一种类型来一套,同类型的卡组基本只是微调1~2张 虽说是比赛卡组,但是如果你不打传说排名的话,直接拿去打天梯基本上完全可以的,不要小看哟,这些卡组中有很多在HSrepl...

BFS legend scuffle, model 142 - a wild brawl arena the scuffle needs since the card group, system will send a free ticket, after takes 150 gold, rules are similar to those of the arena. 0 ShengBao bottom has a reward card package, the more the more wins awards, the highest 12 wins. & have spent & have spent Not surprisingly scuffle was wild brawl arena this week, the scuffle needs its own set of CARDS, all professional wild card set were recommended for everybody below. Card source is a set of wild open, handling all card group, of course, is not too realistic, the principle of handling is a type to a set of the same type of card set of basic only fine-tuning 1 ~ 2 & have spent Though is the game card set, but if you don't play legend rankings, directly take to make a ladder can basically, don't look down upon yo, these CARDS in the group have a lot of in HSrepl...

标签: 炉石传说