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游戏中的九大实力派美女 能靠脸非要靠才华

The game's nine big beauty Can rely on face to rely on talent

2016-08-20 23:42:58来源: 新浪

当你细细回顾原版的《最终幻想7(Final Fantasy VII)》中女神蒂法的设定,那么你可能会对像素块一点失望。但是,正是这种朦胧美,让她在之后的各大平台,甚至是CG电影上多姿多彩,阳光美丽。你或许会觉得是因为她的高颜值才获得如此高的人气,然而人们往往忽略了她本身就有强大的实力:明...

When you carefully review the original Final Fantasy 7 (Final Fantasy VII) "goddess tiffany is set, then you block of pixels might be a little disappointed. But it is this kind of hazy beauty, let her in after each big platform, even on the CG movie colorful, beautiful sunshine. You might think because of her high level to get such a high popularity in appearance, but people often ignores her itself has the formidable strength: Ming...

标签: 游戏