新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《神之浩劫》首位东瀛神明天照大神解析


"God" God first in Japan tomorrow as the catastrophe analysis of God

2016-02-26 10:53:17来源: 多玩游戏

3D动作英雄对战网游《神之浩劫》在全新版本中开放东瀛神殿,同时推出首位东瀛神明——高天原之光天照大神。全新神明是近战/物理的战士神明,机动性强,范围伤害能力也不俗,普通主动技能不仅能给敌人造成伤害,还能起到辅助作用,必杀技为暴力输出技能,同时也带有强力的控制效果。 耀光斩(被动技能)...

3D action heroes battle online "God" open Japan Temple havoc in the new version, and launched the first Japanese high Tianyuan light - God amaterasu. The new gods are physical melee / warrior gods, strong maneuverability, damage ability is good, ordinary active skills can not only cause damage to the enemy, but also play a supporting role, nirvana for violence output skills, also with strong control effect. Glitter cut (passive)...