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妖怪手机扭妖机在哪里 怎么用

Where is the monster phone twist monster machine How to use

2016-02-26 10:38:16来源: 4399

妖怪手机扭妖机在哪里 妖怪手机扭妖机怎么用 扭妖机可以使用妖币来摇奖,有几率获得妖怪哦! 扭妖机奖励:经验饼干、时装、妖怪 在游戏界面的右上方,我们可以看到扭妖机吧! 打开扭妖机,就可以投币了! (每天可以免费投3次妖币,每增一次要花费10钻石) 我们有妖币的话就可以投入妖币...

Where is the monster phone twist monster machine How to use the monster phone twisted monster machine twist monster machine can use the demon COINS to drawing, have chance to get the devil! Twisted monster machine reward: experience cookies, fashion, the devil In the top right of the game screen, we can see twisted monster machine! Open the monster machine, you can pay! (free throw monster coin three times a day, each time 10 diamonds) we can have the monster coin into demon c...