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女神赵奕欢 我在《巫神归来》等你来哦

The goddess zhaohuan I wait for you in the sorcerer returned to oh

2016-02-26 10:49:09来源: 新浪

导语:3月8日,《东方故事》首部资料片《巫神归来》将迎来公测。前几天,女神赵奕欢出任《巫神归来》形像代言人一事已得到确认,今天赵奕欢为《巫神归来》拍摄的祝福视频也正式曝光! 【3月8日,与女神一起共迎巫神】 在视频中,赵奕欢一袭白衣胜雪,活泼灵动地向玩家们宣布了《巫神归来》公测日...

Guide language: on March 8, the Oriental tale first expansion the sorcerer returned to open beta. A few days ago, goddess zhaohuan as the return of wizard 'image spokesperson has confirmed, today for the return of wizard' zhaohuan blessing video also formally exposure! 【 on March 8, together with the goddess welcome the sorcerer 】 in the video, zhaohuan a white snow, lively and lively the sorcerer returned to the players to open beta...