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终极重型雪橇又来了 《疯狂喷气机》圣诞节主题上线

Ultimate heavy sled again crazy jet "Christmas theme

2015-12-09 16:39:09来源: 任玩堂

由开发商 Halfbrick Studios 打造的《水果忍者》,想必大部分玩家都已经玩过,简单的操作加上刺激的玩法确实让游戏红极一时。 而 Halfbrick Studios 旗下还有多款品质不错的游戏,例如横版跑酷游戏 Jetpack Joyride 《疯狂喷气机》,虽然这款游戏推出...

By developers Halfbrick Studios make the fruit ninja, presumably most of the players have played, simple operation and stimulate the game really to make the game. The Halfbrick Studios also has many good quality of the game, such as the horizontal version parkour game Jetpack Joyride crazy jets, although the game is released...