新关注 > 信息聚合 > 庆幸中国还有UZI S6真的是ADC统治的天下吗?

庆幸中国还有UZI S6真的是ADC统治的天下吗?

Is China still S6 UZI really ADC rule of the world?

2015-11-12 16:05:59来源: 巴士LOL


with time S5 days even after the season ended, set in the S6 season on the eve of the fist company has released a certain heroes equipment changes and other aspects of the game mechanism, I believe there are a lot of a lot of game player has much less understand. S6 season changes to the biggest feeling is the ADC era of the ruling coalition came again, why should it be said that it is because in the S2 period is the ADC ruling coalition...