新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《诛仙世界》曝光法宝设定图:大有玄机


"Zhu Xian" magic world exposure setting map: great mystery

2015-11-12 17:10:24来源: 17173

《诛仙世界》,作为一款进阶版仙侠网游,怎会少了传统的仙侠法宝?据悉,游戏中的仙侠法宝不仅能够对职业技能进行攻击、防御等属性加成,也与传统不同,能够进阶为芥子世界、终极法宝仙舰等。而在玩家逆天改命、修仙炼道之路上,法宝也将成为最强的PK辅助。 攻击型法宝 【法宝将成职业PK的最强辅助 ...

"Zhu Xian world", as an advanced version of Xian Xia online games, how can the less traditional fairy magic? It is reported that the game can not only on the Xian Xia magic attack, defense and other occupation skill bonuses, but also different from the traditional, can be advanced as the world, the ultimate magic fairy mustard ship etc.. In the way of life, game player guards change Xiu Lian Road, magic will become the strongest PK. Attack type magic weapon will become the most powerful assistant to professional PK...

标签: 诛仙