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惊鸿一瞥 《诛仙3》玩家视觉图解经典情怀

Glimpse the kill celestial being 3 players visual graphic classic feelings

2015-08-05 15:25:35来源: 多玩游戏

《诛仙3》正值帮派跨服PK赛,目前预选赛已落幕,全服聚焦的淘汰赛官网抽签将于本周举行。厮杀声划破宁静,血的气味将四周的青翠晕染出颤栗的美感,然而越过赛场仍能够感觉到温润宜人,这也正是仙友们所喜爱的,之后便有不少玩家自发将这一片片美景描绘。 《诛仙3》战场外的美景描绘 别具一格 玩...

"kill celestial being 3" coincided with gangs across service PK tournament, the qualifier has ended, full service focused knockout website draw will be held this week. Fight a voice cut through the quiet, the smell of blood will halo around the green dye trembling beauty, but over the game can still feel it is mild and pleasant, which is Xianyou love, after they have many players spontaneously to depict the beauty of this piece. "Zhu Xian 3" the beauty of the picture have a style of one's own play battlefield...

标签: 玩家 诛仙