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Online games "Jiangshan" painting tomorrow 6 new service benefits do not enjoy the

2015-11-12 16:17:27来源: 新浪

一年一度的双十一大战在昨天已经离我们远去了,在痛快的剁手行动以后,小伙伴们是不是有一种意犹未尽的感觉?《画江山》邀您欢乐继续,灵动封测火爆开启,新服【灵动九天】13号震撼来袭。新内容新玩法,更有IPAD MINI倾情奉献,5重豪礼喜迎新服,狂欢不停,惊喜不断。快来预创建抢注个性ID快人一...

once a year the double eleven war in yesterday has gone away from us, in the good hand chop action after the buddies is not a good feeling? "Painting" invites you to Jiangshan joy, smart packaging hot open new service [nine] No. 13 smart day shock struck. The new play new content, more IPAD MINI portrait of dedication, 5 Hao Li celebrate the new service, Carnival non-stop, constantly surprises. Come and create a pre registered character ID...

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