新关注 > 信息聚合 > NCsoft授权 中国将开发《天堂2》页游版

NCsoft授权 中国将开发《天堂2》页游版

NCsoft authorized China to develop "heaven 2" page tour version of

2015-11-05 00:34:09来源: 17173

在昨日公布的财报中,NCsoft透露,将授权给中国开发商《天堂2》的IP以制作页游。 据悉,目前以《天堂》系列IP改编的产品,共有4款,其中两款是NCsoft自己开发。另外两款是以《天堂2》IP开发的,一款是韩国Netmarble公司开发,还有一款是中国研发的页游。 其实除了NC...

in the earnings report released yesterday, NCsoft said, will be authorized to the Chinese developers "heaven 2" IP to make a page tour. It is reported that the "heaven" series IP adaptation of products, a total of 4, of which two are NCsoft their own development. The other two is the "heaven 2" IP development, a South Korean Netmarble company development, there is a Chinese research and development of the page tour. In fact, except NC...