新关注 > 信息聚合 > 长假倒计时 暗黑之光教你赚取第一桶金

长假倒计时 暗黑之光教你赚取第一桶金

Holiday Countdown dark light to teach you to earn first pot of gold

2015-09-29 13:10:42来源: 新浪

长假已经进入倒计时阶段了,很快就迎来期待已久的黄金周啦!不管是学生党还是工作党是不是已经按耐不住激动的心情了呢?各位勇士们会怎样享受这国庆长假呢,当然是来《暗黑之光》痛痛快快的激情PK啦,还能轻轻松松的赚金币,何乐而不为呢!还等什么长假首选就在《暗黑之光》新服“永泰永泰”啦! 小风险...

holiday has entered the countdown stage, will soon usher in the long-awaited golden week! Whether the student party or the working party is not already in the mood to be unable to live? Distinguished warriors how to enjoy the National Day holiday, of course, is the light of the dark, tongtongkuaikuai passion PK, can easily earn gold, why not do it! Still waiting for what long vacation in the dark light of the new service, Yongtai Yongtai! Small risk...