新关注 > 信息聚合 > 劲爆消息!“女神”小苍将赴欧观战LOLS5?


Madden news! "Goddess" and will be to watch LOLS5?

2015-09-29 13:46:43来源: 电玩巴士

我仿佛听到了什么不得了的事情……电竞女神小苍要随斗鱼去欧洲观看LOLS5全球总决赛??? LOLS5开赛在即,斗鱼欲派女神远赴欧洲? 享誉全球的LOLS5全球总决赛将于10月1日全面开撸,16支顶级LOL战队谁主沉浮?国内第一直播平台斗鱼全程陪你追寻答案!作为国内最受LOL玩家青睐...

I seemed to hear not what things...... The goddess with small Betta go to Europe to watch LOLS5 world finals??? LOLS5 start soon, they were sent to the goddess to Europe? The world-famous LOLS5 global finals in October 1st will be fully opened up, the 16 top LOL team who is the master? The first domestic broadcast platform, Betta whole journey with you for answers! As the most popular players in the country by LOL...

标签: LOL