新关注 > 信息聚合 > 犹未迟也 任天堂NX击败PS4必需做到的8个关键点

犹未迟也 任天堂NX击败PS4必需做到的8个关键点

Still not late also Nintendo NX beat PS4 must do eight key points

2015-09-11 01:41:57来源: 逗游网

除了游向蓝海的Wii,任天堂可谓在近十多年来的电视主机大战中屡战屡败,目前最新一代主机Wii U在销量方面更是任天堂所有主机中最失败最糟糕的,刚刚一千多万套的数字让曾经的霸主任天堂颜面无存。因此尽快推出新一代游戏主机也是任天堂迫在眉睫的事情,这一次代号为NX的主机也露出了冰山一角,虽然没...

in addition to tour to the blue ocean of the Wii, Nintendo can be described in nearly ten years television host war defeated, at present the latest generation console, the Wii u in terms of sales is Nintendo all hosts in the failure of the worst, just more than a thousand million sets of figures have overlord Nintendo facial no deposit. So as soon as possible the introduction of a new generation of game consoles is an urgent matter, this time, the code named NX host also exposed the tip of the iceberg, although not...

标签: PS 任天堂 PS4