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揭秘《花千骨》为何称霸荧屏 偶像+虐恋绑定死忠粉

The secret of flower thousands of bone "why dominate the screen icon + SM binding diehard powder

2015-07-01 20:15:27来源: 广西新闻网

迷倒万千少女的“李逍遥”胡歌如今换了戏路,一代人心中的翩翩美少年就这样一去不返了。然而,由他所开启的“仙侠剧”时代并未终结,反倒在当下焕发了新生。 6月9日由著名网络小说《花千骨》改编的同名电视剧开播,首日收视率“破1”,视频网站上线24小时点击量破2亿,暑期档刚刚拉开帷幕即被引爆。...

fascinated thousands of teenage girls," Li "Hu now for his artistry, the hearts of a generation of elegant beautiful boy so gone. However, by the time he turned on the "sin - man drama" is not the end, but in the moment, with a new. June 9, by the well-known network novel "flower thousands of bone," the adaptation of the TV series of the same name launch, the first day of ratings "broken", the video website online 24 hours to click a quantity to break 2 million, the summer profile has just kicked off that was detonated. ...