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日式风格RPG《光明计划》曝光 未知世界里的自我..

Japanese style RPG "bright project" exposure to the unknown world, self..

2015-05-22 19:51:17来源: 任玩堂

法国开发商 neko.works 近日公布了一款暂定名为 Project Light《光明计划》的日式风格 RPG 游戏,并放出了游戏的宣传视频,下面来看看吧。 玩家扮演着男主角 Haru,本来他的生活十分美好,但由于他身处于黑暗的社会世界当中,因为某些原因误打误撞的加入了军队。于是 ...

French developers neko.works recently announced a tentative name for project light "bright project" Japanese style RPG Games, and released a promotional video of the game, the following look. Players take on the role of a male protagonist Haru, had his life is very good, but because he is in the dark world of the society, because of some reason made the mistake of joined the army. So...