新关注 > 信息聚合 > 唱响武汉 《天之禁》好声音校园选拔火热进行

唱响武汉 《天之禁》好声音校园选拔火热进行

Wuhan "sing the days of the ban" good sound campus selection of hot

2015-05-22 18:36:55来源: 新浪

听好声音,玩《天之禁》!《天之禁》与《中国好声音》深度合作的校园海选已经走过两个城市。这一次,登陆“江城”——武汉。当极致武侠玄幻碰撞流行经典音乐,《天之禁》握手青春,传递青春最强音,让梦想再度绽放! 【梦想在这里绽放】 《天之禁》与《中国好声音》合作的校园行活动于5月19日来到...

listen to good voice, playing the "days of the ban"! "Days of the ban" and "good voice" China cooperation depth has gone through two city campus auditions. This time, landing "Jiangcheng" - Wuhan. When the collision of the ultimate martial arts fantasy classic pop music, the days of prohibition "handshake youth, transfer the strongest voice of the youth, let the dream of bloom again! [dream of the bloom] the day of the forbidden and the China good voice cooperation between the campus trip in May 19th came to...