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开测首日激活率创新高 《天谕》追加服务器

Open test on the first day of the activation rate high innovation the encyclical "additional server

2015-05-23 00:44:21来源: 17173

5月22日下午14点,网易3D无束缚幻想大作《天谕》半开放性测试正式开启。无论是玩家参与人数还是整体开放规模上,本次测试都取得了突破性的提升。 当日,因激活率远超项目组预期,且突破网易新游激活最高数据,6组新增服务器人气火爆,为了让已获测试资格的玩家能尽快并流畅的地体验到《天谕》,开...

5 month 22 in the afternoon 14 points, Netease 3D without bound fantasy masterpiece" encyclical "semi open test officially opened. Whether the number of players or the overall size of the overall opening, the test has achieved a breakthrough upgrade. Day, due to the activation rate far exceeding the project expected, and break through the Netease travelogue activate the highest data, group 6 new server popular sentiment, in order to let has been internationally qualification test can as soon as possible and smooth to experience the "oracle".