新关注 > 信息聚合 > 二测福利抢先看 《合金英雄》即将荣耀回归

二测福利抢先看 《合金英雄》即将荣耀回归

Two welfare first look at the survey alloy heroes is about to glory back

2015-05-23 09:31:40来源: 4399

5月28日,《合金英雄》即将迎来第二次删档测试。精英首测的时间里,《合金英雄》得到了广大射击游戏爱好者的认可,不少玩家在首测结束之后都热切盼望二测进行。先来抢先看看关于二测的福利吧! 玩家在二测期间注册登录《合金英雄》,都将领取到系统赠送的钻石,500钻的新手礼包还不快来抢?同时,只要...

5 month 28, alloy hero is about to usher in the second delete file test. In the first time of the elite measurement, the alloy hero has been recognized by the majority of shooting game enthusiasts, many players after the first test is eager to two measurement. First come, first to see about the welfare of the second test! Internationally in the second test during login and register the alloy hero ", will receive the system presented the diamond, 500 drill novice package also not quickly to rob? At the same time, as long as...