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乱世风云惊天变 《大唐双龙传》尽显武侠神韵

Gone with the wind and cloud startled day "Datang Ssangyong biography reveals the spirit of martial arts

2015-05-23 11:36:24来源: 4399

由张馨予代言、畅游移动发行的多职业无限制3D ARPG动作手游《大唐双龙传》凭借高精度的3D建模和多维立体空间技术,为玩家们呈现出全新的视觉冲击。该游戏一经上线便赢得众多武侠迷们的喜爱追捧。浓浓的武林气氛更是让每一位进入游戏的侠客,情不自禁的爱上这个真实的武侠世界。 ▍遵循原著描绘 重...

by zhangxinyu endorsement, navigate the mobile issued more than vocational no limit the 3D ARPG tour hand movements the Datang Shuanglong biography" by virtue of high precision 3D modeling and multidimensional space. For the players showing the brand-new visual impact. The game on the line to win many martial arts fans love and pursued. The thick atmosphere of martial arts is to let every one into the game of the knight, be overcome by one's feelings fall in love with this real world of martial arts. Man to follow the original description...