新关注 > 信息聚合 > 同名小说网游《绝世武神》首次测试今日18点正式..


Novel of the same name net swims the peerless Valkyrie "first test attention today 18 officially..

2015-05-23 02:30:25来源: 电玩巴士


peoples, the long-awaited, loved by the internationally latest novel 3D online games masterpiece" peerless Valkyrie "first test of 18 o'clock today officially opened, the game continues the novel's consistent style, the Grand View of the world. Then the framework a startling story! R & D team is using international standards and pure myth of Chinese martial arts culture perfectly combined with the full 3D role-playing game, intended to allow players in this test can be a true feelings to...

标签: 网游