新关注 > 信息聚合 > 征途2新出官阶装备展示 土豪提升战力新利器

征途2新出官阶装备展示 土豪提升战力新利器

Journey 2 new rank equipment display tyrant to enhance the combat capabilities of the new tool

2015-05-22 23:53:19来源: 游久网

本文来源于征途兔之窝,作者:69980818,更多精彩欢迎进入征途兔之窝参与交流 看到这个新的官装备猜猜土豪的战力又要狂加了,这个装备可以装备12件,现在还不知道最高多少级,有套装属性,还有9倍加成。。所以大家的各方面属性又要飞跃了,对于土豪要向着4000万迈进了,花钱的时机又到了

the source in the journey of the rabbit nest, author: 69980818, more wonderful welcome to the journey of the rabbit nest to participate in the exchange of see the new official equipment guess tyrant's combat power but also crazy with the, this equipment can 12 pieces of equipment. It is not known how many top level, attribute set, there are nine doubly.. So all the attributes and leap, to move toward the 40000000 for tyrant, spend time to