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叹一曲时光惆怅 道一声地久天长 《流光飞舞》评测

Sigh song time melancholy say forever the streamer fly "evaluation

2015-05-23 14:52:12来源: 4399

随着人类社会的不断的发展,现代都市人们的生活和工作压力也越来越重,周末来临,不妨放下所有负担,打开电脑放一首D大调卡农,静静的坐着,享受一次身心愉悦的放松过程。今天小编为大家带来的这款休闲益智作品《流光飞舞》就是一个很好的放松游戏,我们将在游戏中尽情体验时光流逝的轻松与惬意。 游戏采用...

along with the continuous development of human society, modern urban people's life and work pressure is getting heavier and heavier, the weekend is coming, may wish to put down the burden of all, turn on the computer to put a piece of Canon in D major, sit quietly, enjoy the relaxing process of a physical and mental pleasure. Today, the small series of this casual puzzle work, "the time flying" is a good relaxation game, we will enjoy the experience of the time passing of the game and the relaxed and comfortable. Game use...